Change the Trajectory of Your Life

Just as the eagle flies high through the sky, RTT allows you to step back from your past circumstances. The eagle encourages you to view past situations from a distance in a detached way, and use context, nuance, knowledge, and life experience to find alternative choices, perspectives, and new beliefs.

Sometimes taking a bird's eye view of a situation will give you a new, completely different perspective, and allow you to move forward with a new set of beneficial and positive beliefs.

We can't change the past but we can always change our perspective, and how we feel about what happened.

This is our power.

This is where we regain control.

This can change the trajectory of your life.


Control the Algorithm of Your Life


We all know how social media works; we like certain posts and the algorithm sends us more, similar posts. Our phones hear us talking about new shoes, and all of a sudden we're seeing advertisements for shoe sales.

Our minds are similar.

Confirmation bias means we're constantly looking for evidence in the world to affirm our beliefs. 

That means any information that contradicts those beliefs will be filtered out, deleted, hidden, and unseen.

It's useful because otherwise we'd be completely overwhelmed by incoming information, unable to function.

It's not useful though, when those confirmations are keeping us limited, stuck, and unable to live into our true potential.

Just like Facebook only shows us the "most relevant comments" as the default option - so too, does our mind.

For example...

If I grew up experiencing that money is scarce, hard to come by, and I must work hard for it - - - then my mind will only show me those particular opportunities. Everything else will be filtered out as irrelevant. 

If, however, I believe that money is energy, that if I'm appreciative and grateful for what I have, and I'm a good steward with my money, I have a healthy relationship with it; money will always flow easily.

It all comes down to what was programmed in your subconscious mind in your childhood... and often those beliefs are the beliefs that have been passed down from generation to generation. It's likely not what we would choose for ourselves and we don't even realize the programming is happening.

Could your subconscious use some spring cleaning? Updated beliefs and updated programming? We update our phones every month or two; our subconscious could use this same care.

If you've had the same goals for years... if you self-sabotage... if you loop and can't break habits or start new ones (for very long)... these are all signs your subconscious could use an update with what you would choose to believe, instead of allowing the default option to run your life.

You're the author, editor, writer, and producer of your life.

Your world is a projection of what's inside. Wouldn't you like to at least know what that is? And have the opportunity and choice to change it?

You don't have to accept the default programming as "just the way that it is."

With awareness comes choice and with choice comes change.


What is RTT? 

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) was created by Marisa Peer and I trained with her in 2019.

RTT is a modality that brings together many facets of traditional psychotherapy like cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy, mindfulness, inner child healing, parts work, and neurolinguistic programming.

It's a personalized approach that helps clients break deeply ingrained patterns, habits, and behaviors, and reframe negative and limiting beliefs so they can reach their goals.

Often these limiting beliefs were created in childhood and they're so deeply buried in the subconscious that clients are unaware they're carrying them, or that they're affecting their goals today. By giving the client choices, it empowers them to move forward to make real, lasting changes.

How Does it Work?

Unlike traditional hypnotherapy, RTT doesn't rely only solely on positive reinforcement. RTT goes beyond this and focuses on identifying how, where, and when limiting beliefs and behaviors were formed. It then utilizes scientific principles of neuroplasticity to enable the creation of new neural pathways in the mind.

How is RTT Different from other Therapies?


RTT helps people uncover the root cause of why they feel the way they do. Unlike other therapies which focus on the issue or challenge, RTT helps clients understand the origin of the beliefs and behaviors that led to their issue.

Using a unique set of tools and techniques, RTT supports clients in transforming their current issue and moving forward with a new set of more beneficial and positive beliefs. 

What to Expect 

People report feeling very relaxed in hypnosis, which makes sense because it's a slower brainwave; much like being in deep meditation or in flow.

In this state, your subconscious mind will choose past events for understanding, and reframing.

Sometimes these are memories the client has revisited often, sometimes they've forgotten all about them.

We use the memories to understand the meaning and interpretation you created at the time and the beliefs you formed as a result.

We can't change the past, but we can change how you feel and think about what happened. Reframing in this way allows you to see the past from your adult perspective today.

As adults we have so much more choice, knowledge, context, and nuance to help reframe what happened.

To solidify these new beliefs, perspectives, and interpretations, you listen to a personalized recording for 21 days to establish that new neural pathway.

Investment & Support

1 Month of support ($249)

3 Months of support ($599)

6 Months of support ($1,199)


🦅1 RTT session / mo - typically 2 hours and a powerful source for generational healing and change

🦅🦅2 coaching calls / mo

🦅A personalized transformational recording / mo (listen for 21-28 days) to solidify new neural pathways 

🦅Ongoing email support

🦅Online sessions (Zoom) 


Book Your Free Call

What can RTT help with?


Because RTT is a complete, solution-based approach, it can be used in many different ways. It's helped people overcome all kinds of challenges like physical health issues, infertility, depression, anxiety, fears and phobias, weight management and money issues. 

Money Issues

The Transformational Recordings are designed with powerful language speaking directly to your subconscious, spongey mind; listen for 21 consecutive days to disrupt old neural pathways and create new abundant ones.


Spiders, darkness, flying, heights, public speaking, swimming / water, etc.

Self-Sabotage Relief

Self-sabotage is self-protection. Before we can clear it, we need to understand what feels it needs to protect.


Stopping habits or creating new habits with the conscious mind alone is very limiting. 

If you've ever been frustrated with affirmations not working you'll understand the need to utilize the 90% of your subconscious mind power.

Mystery Illness

MS, Fibromyalgia, PCOS, fatigue; the body speaks to us but doesn't have words. 

Beliefs and emotions in the body can change our cells. 


Public speaking, goals, authenticity, all require a level of self-confidence. Being an adult learning new things requires self-confidence!

Stress Relief

Feeling tired but wired is common. Session help reduce stress and provide tools to manage it.

Improved Relationships

When we change, those around us change. Sometimes subtlety, sometimes more overtly, but they react to our new frequencies.

Relationship to Food

I did weight loss / emotional eating coaching and I learned it's never about the food, it's the association and attachment and it's change-able.

New Perspectives

We can't change the past, but we can change what you think of the past and that changes how it affects you today. 


Sports, public speaking, exams, childbirth. Want to get better at golf? Want to feel confident in front of a crowd? Do well on your next exam? This type of session is for you.


With awareness comes choice.

With choice comes change.

Hypnotherapy is a beautiful modality to step into your power and release victim mentality.  I would be honored to guide you.